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Dear Parents and Caregivers,
Welcome to Girls on the Run (GOTR). We are ecstatic to have your child join us!
At Girls on the Run, we inspire girls to be confident, empowered individuals through an engaging, experience-based curriculum that creatively integrates running. In the coming months, your child will embark on an exciting journey of self-discovery and growth, embracing their Star Power. Our researched-based curriculum helps girls develop and enhance their social, emotional and physical skills, all while training for a 5K. Throughout the season, they'll learn to find balance, like the five points of a star, manage emotions, strengthen their minds, and build friendships. They will also practice making healthy choices, being a good friend and working as a team.
The program starts the week of March 3rd. Before the first day of practice, you should receive a letter from your site coordinator confirming the days of the week, time, and location to meet. You will also receive an introduction to the team’s coaches and be provided with their contact information. Check our locations page to find your site coordinator contact information, if needed.
Your child should come prepared to run, hop, walk, or skip at each session. Teams will try to practice outside, weather permitting, so pack layers like a jacket or gloves. Consider packing a sun visor, hat and sunscreen as the weather gets warmer and, of course, shoes that are comfortable and appropriate for running. Please send a snack and water bottle as well!
Throughout the season, we will communicate specific information through Parent Scoop emails. Your site coordinator and coaches should be able to answer any questions, but always feel free to reach out to us directly. We are happy to help!
At the conclusion of the program, all participants will complete a non-competitive, celebratory 5K event with their teammates and coaches. We are planning three different 5K events for Girls on the Run along the Front Range including Longmont, Denver, and Colorado Springs. More information about the 5Ks will be sent home via the Parent Scoop and your coaches.
To find which 5K your team is running, check out our 5K list! All Girls on the Run program participants are already registered for the 5K.
We invite family, friends, and neighbors to run the 5K alongside their child. Friends and family will need to register to participate in the 5K.
You can train along with your GOTR participant using our Girls on the Run 5K Training Guide!
We always say that the finish line is just the beginning! We hope the skills gained through the Girls on the Run program will be with all of our participants for many years to come.
Have a wonderful season and we will be in touch!
The Girls on the Run of the Rockies team
[email protected]
(720) 879-2354