Meet our 14er Climbers!
These amazing climbers will be hiking two back-to-back 14ers this summer all while raising money for Girls on the Run!
Meet Hannah G! Hannah is a GOTR alumna, so she knows first-hand how the program positively impacts young girls. Hannah not only gained life long skills while participating in GOTR but fell in love with running! Click here to read more of Hannah’s story and donate towards her goal.
Meet Rachel! Rachel has been a GOTR Coach and Site Coordinator for over 10 years. Rachel is tapping into her star power to climb these two 14ers and inspire the girls she coaches. Click here to read more of Rachel’s story and donate towards her goal.
Meet Morgan! Morgan is not only a GOTR Coach but also a new member of our Associate Board. Morgan is hiking to invest in the future of countless young girls. Click here to read more of Morgan’s story and donate towards her goal.
Meet Hannah M! Hannah is climbing to invest in the future of her daughter, and countless other girls so that they can grow up with confidence, joy, and strength. Click here to read more of Hannah’s story and donate towards her goal.
Are you interested in climbing the 14er yourself? Click here for more information about our annual 14er Challenge!